Well I decided to take the plunge, and monitor the progress of my latest project on this blog.
I've developed and coded websites previously, but this time I thought others thinking of persuing their web idea, may be able to learn from my experiences, if only in avoiding any silly mistakes I make! Of course, if I get knowledgeable folk leaving advice here via the comments facility they will be very welcome!
Where I can it's going to be my own work (no outsourcers employed), and I intend spending as little money as possible on developing and launching the site. Use of opensource software, free tools etc will be the ideal mode of working.
The idea behind the website is to set up a multi-lingual talk-board, initially with English, German and Spanish. I won't use automatic translations, as I'm still not happy with the translations that automatic software produces. However I hope to link (and translate directly) entries on threads in different languages - if we get any users of course!
I'm still unsure as to whether I commit the code to Github, so others can utilise or modify the code - I'll publish my decision here in a later entry.
Name of the website - I haven't chosen yet, nor have I yet obtained a domain. I will develop the site on my local machine, and so for the first week or two there will just be screenshots to observe here.
What have I done today? Set up cakephp 2 on my development machine, created the initial table structure, and used cakephp bake utilities to initialise some screen views - which will all need to change dramatically over the coming days. Hopefully more to come tomorrow.
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